Seethe Offers Another Glimpse Into Darkness With New EP, ‘Schisms & Pendulums’

Alternative/trap metal artist Seethe has never been one to shy away from the darker side of the human condition, and his forthcoming EP Schisms & Pendulums is yet another testament to this. Set to be released May 15th, the three-song record takes on the harrowing subjects of modern organized religion and the battle with cancer.

“I was listening to Deftones’ self-titled album and Nirvana’s In Utero quite a bit while writing this EP,” Seethe explains. “Not that it can necessarily be heard [musically], but I feel I caught the vibe and essence of both albums. Dirty, yet clean enough to not sound like garbage. This is also thanks to the production by Vixlence Beatz and Gus Wallner’s mixing and mastering.”

As with much of Seethe’s creations, Schisms & Pendulums is an EP meant to be felt as well as heard. The first track, “Coalesce,” is filled with disgust and rage, which colors every lyric, intonation, and the stylings of the accompanying music. “It’s a stab at modern day religion,” Seethe says. “Not that God and Jesus don’t exist, but more how modern religion is propagated toward political welfare and also the alarming number of cases of sexual abuse and misconduct from clergymen over the last 20-30 years.”

“Coalesce” is followed by “Cascade,” a heart-wrenching ode penned from the point of view of a person witnessing a loved one struggle with cancer. Seethe wrote the song about his mother’s second fight with the illness, and the raw pain bleeds through in the words and the way in which he screams out the emotion from within. “Lights gleaming with a sense of purpose, dimming out over the cascade/Burning out without a purpose, crashing down to one’s knees…” It is an unflinching dose of reality, the bitterness borne from watching somebody wither away while trying so hard to stay strong.

“Dreary” is the other side of the same coin, a story told from the patient’s point of view. Fraught with frustration and anger, the narrator looks back on life and wonders “Why me? I’m a good person.” The sentiment is echoed in a line that is repeated throughout: “Cure me, please, you owe me this.” 

Schisms & Pendulums will hit all major streaming platforms on May 15th! You can presave the EP here, and visit Seethe’s other socials to make sure you never miss an update!

Seethe Spontaneously Drops New EP, Cavalier Dualities

Alternative/trap metal artist Seethe surprised his followers by abruptly releasing an EP, entitled Cavalier Dualities, to Bandcamp on January 29th. (It has since gone live on all major streaming platforms.) Staying true to the glitchy, yet melodic, sound that I have come to associate with Seethe, this trilogy of tracks is an eight minute, thirty-four second emotional purge – for both artist and listener.

Cavalier Dualities is a brief glimpse into the repeating cycle of various mental health issues, depression prevalent among them. Seethe never backs down from addressing darker subject matter, and this is again apparent in all three songs.

“Medicate” is the beginning phase. Whatever the struggle is with – mental health, addiction, etc. – this track references the attempt to best it, to medicate and cope and hopefully ascend from the depths, maybe even defeat it one day. 

This is followed by “Smile.” In Seethe’s own words, “Smile” is about how, in life, sometimes all one can do is smile and move forward. Throughout the fight with one’s own personal demons is the occasional necessity to fake it ’til you make it, as they say.

The EP concludes with “In Two,” a heart-rending song in which our narrator realizes (s)he is back in the hole, that (s)he had a brief moment in the light but has yet again fallen into the rut. This brings us back to the start, the need to medicate, and the cycle continues.

The discordant music and vocal stylings seems to reflect the frustration and hopelessness that colors the whole sordid tale, a cry of “I’ve been here before and failed, but I have to keep trying.” And while Cavalier Dualities may be a story borne from the artist’s own battles, it is relatable to anyone who has ever persevered through a private, often unseen, war with oneself.

You can listen to Cavalier Dualities on your favorite streaming service! And once you’ve checked out the EP, ready yourself for Seethe’s next release: the new single, “Away,” which is dropping on Valentine’s Day!

Make sure you follow Seethe on his various socials so you never miss an update!

Seethe Shows Off Hard Rock Chops With New Track “Feather”

I have always been impressed with Seethe’s eclectic mix of sounds and how he utilizes different genres to tell a story. Each song seems to have something for everyone, from an edge of industrial, to the heaviest of nu metal and threads of rap, djent, and trap, and that’s without even mentioning the way he can manipulate his voice, or his lyrics!

Seethe just dropped a new track today, entitled “Feather,” and it’s a certified banger, venturing into the more hard rock/alternative metal oriented side of the artist. The music itself is cleaner, less harsh and distorted than songs such as “Can’t Breathe,” and lends itself to the fact that Seethe can take on any genre and own it.

See for yourself. Check out “Feather” here or on Deezer and Spotify.

Seethe Gets Personal With New Album

Alternative/trap metal artist Seethe has released his latest album, Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph. Carrying the listener through the subjects of mental health and a real-life hospital stay, Seethe has bared his soul to the world in these nine tracks.

Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph is an interestingly composed record, musically. It is comprised of a style that is not only heavy, but purposefully harsh and glitchy, with anguished vocals that resonate with rage and frustration. This raw and unfiltered emotion is contrasted with the occasional catchy, more melodic break, featured mostly in the choruses. The play of an almost lighter offering amongst the darker standard grabs the attention, keeping the ear intrigued.

The atmosphere that Seethe has created is often jarring, sometimes uncomfortable, an echo of the true story of his struggles with his mental health and the decision to sign himself into a psych ward. However, the overall message of Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph is one of hope. By sharing his own personal story and tackling a topic that most seem content to ignore, Seethe is breaking an invisible barrier. He is telling his listeners – and everyone else – that there is no shame in the struggle, that it does not mean you are weak, and that asking for help is the strongest action you can take. 

The two singles showcase the lowest and highest points of this autobiographical story. “Can’t Breathe,” the second track on the record, is the hopeless beginning, the bleakest moment, feeling overwhelmed and trapped, both by the four walls of the hospital and your own mind. However, by the time one reaches “Linear,” track eight of nine, a sense of balance is slowly being gained, a clearer headspace in which you are starting to take control of your life, having a better idea of what to do for your version of normal…because each of us is different, and what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all. The songs in the middle are the journey between despair and the start of catharsis.

Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph is a triumph. Seethe grants his listeners a glimpse into the shadows, a foray into territories not often explored, and he reveals a message of solidarity, support, hope, and victory, both big and small. He has expertly crafted his music, lyrics, and vocals in the shape of the story he is sharing. This is a 2023 must-hear album. 

You can listen to Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph wherever you stream music!

Seethe Set to Share New Single + Collab Track

Tomorrow, July 22nd, is a big day for Seethe. The alternative/trap metal artist is releasing not one, but two new tracks!

First is “Linear,” the latest single from Seethe’s forthcoming album Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph. With “Linear,” Seethe continues the personal journey started with “Can’t Breathe.” Now free from the psych ward and that sense of being trapped, both literally and metaphorically, “Linear” addresses the writer’s introspection upon being released. The song takes on the challenges of altering both the direction of your life and your mental state. In a way, “Linear” is hopeful, though the slower paced beat and raw, anguished vocals speak all too clearly of the agony of struggling for, in Seethe’s own words, “normality and balance.”

The second drop is Seethe’s collaboration with twelve other vocalists, entitled “The Cypher of the Mourning Star.” According to Seethe, “I wanted to give back to those that have helped me and put me on along the way.” All of the featured artists shared the common ground of metal, but each brought his own unique style to the track. With an overall trap metal feel, the variations of delivery range from heavy metal growls and semi-melodic cleans to full-on rapping and metalcore-worthy screams. It is five minutes and twenty-two seconds of artists working together and throwing down, and their enjoyment shines through, the pride in their project evident.

You can presave “Linear” and “The Cypher of the Mourning Star” at the links below. Both songs release everywhere tonight at midnight!


“The Cypher of the Mourning Star”

Seethe’s socials:

Seethe Addresses Mental Health in New Single, “Can’t Breathe”

Seethe is a solo metal artist that hails from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A blend of different styles of metal, alternative and trap prominent among them, Seethe has been quite busy over the past few years, having released an album a year since 2020, and an album and EP thus far in 2023.

Never one to slow down, Seethe has now shared a new single, “Can’t Breathe,” taken from the upcoming album, entitled Delenda: A Black Rose on the Epitaph. While discussing this latest track, I asked for a little background, such as the story behind the song, the writing/recording process, and anything else of note that Seethe wanted to include. This is what he told me:

“‘Can’t Breathe’ is the first single from my upcoming album, Delenda: A Black Rose On The Epitaph. When I got the beat originally, it was in a different key. I hung on to it for a couple of weeks with a bout of writer’s block. One day, I was messing with my DAW and figured out I could pitch shift the key of the instrumental. After some playing around on the computer, I bumped it up a half step from the original key, and within minutes, it all came flooding in lyrically. It was a fun song to pen down and record. The album, in general, was fun and challenging. While very heavy and glitchy musically (as my style usually is), I managed to write the songs with more choruses and melodic vocals.

The song lyrically (as is the whole album) is about mental health and signing myself into the psych ward earlier this year. “Can’t Breathe,” specifically, deals with my bipolar disorder and manic depression. That feeling that grips you where you are extremely overwhelmed and claustrophobic (ya know, happy stuff).

While lyrically it’s dark, I hope what people take from it is that there is nothing wrong or weak about reaching out for help. It’s not tough or heroic to hold that in and face it alone. If you want to be a hero and be strong……get the help you need to power through and live life for yourself and the ones you love another day.”

Check out “Can’t Breathe” here, and keep up with everything going on in Seethe’s world by subscribing to and following his various socials!