Song of the Week: “Lip Gloss & Black”

“After all these images of pain have cut right through you,
I will kiss every scar and weep ‘you are not alone.’
Then I’ll show you that place in my chest where my heart still tries to beat…”

Favorite lyrics ❤

Atreyu — “Lip Gloss & Black,” from the album Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses (2002).

Lynam, Labor Day, and the Tiny Human

I saw Lynam this past Friday and I couldn’t have been happier. It had been about six months since my last show. They were awesome, as always, and after the show David let me listen to three songs–the final mixes–from the upcoming album, Bombshell. I am now even more excited for October than I already was.




Some things never change…

Moving on…

My Labor Day was great, to be honest. I got to spend it with almost all of my favorite people: my brother Rick, my BFF Tiffany, her husband Jerimy, and my adorable niece Ivy. We had a cookout and Rick made grilled chicken that had been marinated in 151, lime, and sriracha sauce, as well as hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, etc. The best part of the night had to be dancing around the living room with the tiny human…or watching her amusement when all of the adults started playing on an exercise ball. Lol.


Ivy gave us those ducks so that we could dance with them ❤

LaborDay03 LaborDay

Hope everyone else had a great holiday weekend!

Song of the Week: “Welcome to the Machine”

Okay, so I’m a mildly obsessed Pink Floyd fan. I have loved them ever since I can remember (thanks to my parents). In honor of the fact that it has been 30 years since Pink Floyd released Wish You Were Here, which happens to be my second favorite album by them, I’m posting this as my song of the week. 🙂

Pink Floyd — “Welcome to the Machine,” from the album Wish You Were Here (1975).

Saturdays in the South


Guys, I am so excited because college football kicks off this weekend! (See what I did there? Ha!)

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, then you know I’m a huge Alabama Crimson Tide fan. I apologize in advance for how many of my blogs are going to reference my team/football in general for the next five-ish months. I can’t help it; I’m addicted. It happens when you live in the South…and it seems the great state of Alabama, in particular.

Anyway, one of the bands I love from Birmingham has a song all about the Tide, entitled “Elephant Fight.” Check it out, as well as the other videos I’ve posted below. I’m just getting myself pumped up for the Alabama/Wisconsin game on Saturday. 🙂 Roll Tide!