My Favorite Psychological Horror Movies

I’m going to start this list with a shout-out to Smile. My friend and I went to see it last Tuesday, and I’ll admit my hopes weren’t very high. Hollywood hasn’t been giving us top-tier horror films lately. However, I really enjoyed Smile. There were a few too many attempts at jump scares – only one of which actually got us – but other than that, it was a solid plot that didn’t get too hokey. I would certainly recommend watching it, at least. Not that I’m promising it will be your new fave! Just…try it.

Split (2016)

One of my favorite movies ever, Split toes the line for me. I’m not sure I’d necessarily call it horror. Kevin is a sympathetic character, which makes it difficult to classify him as evil.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

American Psycho (2000)

Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

Midsommar (2019)

Cam (2018)

The Invitation (2015)

The Forest (2016)